Your Attention Is Here, But Should Be Here

Erick-Woods Erickson

Merrick Garland should be fired. This is not the big outrage that Trump World says it is, but it is a demonstration that lazy morons are in charge of the DOJ.

To catch you up to speed, the DOJ warrant for searching the Trump property included shoot to kill instructions, or “use of deadly force” instructions. But the instructions are standard and pro forma — so pro forma the instructions come with a notice that “warning shots are not permitted outside a prison context.”

Why put that in the search warrant? Again, it is a cut and paste, pro forma operation that required no thought and is actually standard FBI protocol.

But that they went with standard FBI protocol and did not think about the public implications is just another sign the DOJ is run by lazy morons.

Just please keep this in perspective — it is standard operating procedure, pro forma language, and the FBI coordinated with the Secret Service to execute the warrant at a time Donald Trump would not be there.

So the outrage that they could have killed Donald Trump is silly nonsense. It is as dumb a story as Sam Alito selling his beer stock and buy stock in another beer company. The picture below is a copy of the document and you can see how pro forma it is. FBI searches of locations come with these and they did not make an exception for Donald Trump. They should have. Garland should be fired for being an idiot.

But outrage sells so Trump fans are outraged.

Meanwhile, here is the story you should be paying attention to because I assure you the national press will not.

John Barrow lost. Barrow is a one time congressman turned serial Democrat candidate in Georgia. He ran for the Georgia Supreme Court against a Brian Kemp appointee named Andrew Pinson who had limited political experience, name recognition, or war chest. Barrow, on the other hand, had high name ID both by virtue of being a former congressman and the Democrats’ Secretary of State nominee.

Barrow ran explicitly on using his position on the Court to expand abortion rights in Georgia. National abortion groups and progressives went to bat for Barrow. They made abortion the central issue. Barrow received a confidential letter from the Judicial Qualifications Commission telling him he needed to rein in his pro-abortion rhetoric because judicial candidates cannot declare their side on issues that might come before them.

Barrow made the letter public, filed a lawsuit against the Commission, and doubled down on his abortion support. The case got thrown out, but Barrow used it to show just how clearly he would support and defend abortion rights on the Georgia Supreme Court.

He lost. Actually, he got curb stomped by a novice candidate with no war chest or major name ID. Had John Barrow won, this would be major national news. It would have been heralded as another win for abortion rights in America. Instead, it is a signal that abortion is not going to be the issue in Georgia in November that it has been in other states.

That’s the big story and because of how it went, you won’t hear much about it.