Gary Varvel: The Greenies are coming

Part 3 of my marriage series

Could rolling blackouts be in our future? Energy is a big issue in this election. When Trump was in office, we were an energy exporter and gas at the pump was $2. Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and added restrictions to energy companies which hurt the economy.

Kamala Harris and the Green New Deal Democrats want to end fossil fuels. In 2019 and 2020, Joe Biden said over and over that he was going to end the use of fossil fuels. Just watch this video montage below.

Kamala Harris also repeated that she was going to ban fracking in 2019. Her campaign denies that she still holds that view now but Harris has not made a definitive statement explaining her change of mind. What she has said though is that her values haven’t changed.

Therefore, if she is elected president and if the democrats control the House and Senate, there will nothing to stop them from forcing this green agenda on the American people which will result in energy shortages and blackouts. She will take America back to the 1930s.

Natural gas is the most Affordable, Reliable and Cleanest fossil fuel. And America has plenty of it. It is a gift from God so let’s use it.

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“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” – 1 Peter 3:7.

Men, how well do you know your wife? Have you bought her chairs?

In the movie “Phenomenon,” George (John Travolta) wants to date Lace (Kyra Sedgwick) but she is not looking for a relationship so she rebuffs his advances.

She makes bentwood chairs. So George, buys her chairs. Lots of them. Even though she refuses to go on a date with him, he still buys her chairs just so he can talk to her. Eventually, her heart softens and then begin a relationship.

I don’t want to spoil the ending but late in the movie, Doc (Robert Duvall) responds to Banes, a cocky young man who had split with his girlfriend, and asks, “Banes…how’s your lady love?”

“We… um… we broke up,” Banes says.

“Really? says Doc. “That’s too bad, yeah. Now George has a love at his side and she is sticking with him. You know why? Because he bought her chairs. That’s pretty smart to me. You ever buy Lisa’s chairs? Every woman has her chairs, something she needs to put herself into, Banes. You ever figure out what Lisa’s chairs were and buy ’em?”

That’s pretty good advice. Men, have you bought your wife’s chairs? For instance, does she like to landscape or garden, then do it with her. Does she like to write, or paint, or sculpt, or bake, or sew… whatever it is, take time to honor your wife by valuing what she loves and she’ll love you for it.

Oh, and while you’re at it, you should help around the house: vacuum the floors, load the dishwasher AND put the clean dishes away. She’s not your maid, she’s your wife. And don’t grumble when you help with the housework. A bad attitude isn’t honoring her.

Notice in the above verse that the Apostle Peter tells us to honor your wife, “so your prayers won’t be hindered.” God takes this seriously. He won’t honor your prayers, if you don’t honor your wife.

Listen men, after you’ve been married for several years and the honeymoon is a distant memory, it’s easy to get absorbed with your work or sports or hobbies etc. and neglect your wife. But God has commanded you to provide, protect and love your wife. Remember, it’s by God’s grace that He gave you a wife to share this life with, so love your wife and that starts with buying her chairs. 

Thanks for reading my stuff. – GV