A Due Process Violation


It is simply a fact that there are very, very few bond companies and insurance companies on the entire planet able to cover the cost of Donald Trump’s appeal in New York.

Under New York law, it is a fact that Trump must post that bond to appeal.

I also happen to know for sure that at least one company has refused to work with Donald Trump because of his politics, which further limits his options.

Due process in the United States requires the ability of a person to appeal a decision from a lower court to a higher court.

New York’s law requires a bond, and because of the unique costs associated with that bond, Trump cannot appeal. That should be a constitutional violation.

I dare say that if it were not Donald Trump but someone else, the progressive left would agree a person should not be impeded from an appeal due to an ability to post a bond.

After all, the left has championed cashless bail.

But the left has always been willing to surrender its convictions to get Trump. The ends justify the means.

In a review of seventy years of similar lawsuits,

“[A]n Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of similar cases showed Trump’s case stands apart: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses.”

The left is sacrificing its views of justice to take down Donald Trump. In the process, they set precedents that will be used against them.

Donald Trump deserves the constitutional due process right to file an appeal without being impeded by a bond requirement that is virtually impossible to obtain due to its amount for a case so unique no similar cases in seventy years have been threatened “with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses.”