It’s all a laboratory to see how far this can go

You could be thrown in jail for speaking from your heart . . . and not just Facebook jail.

Unless you and I fight back. NOW.

Dr. Ron Paul warned in a recent email that the oppression of speech unfolding in the UK, where people are being jailed for comments they post on social media, can happen right here in America too.

The Biden administration has made controlling your speech a top priority, with Biden himself claiming companies that won’t censor their users were “killing people.”

Now, the EU is now moving to force censorship upon American citizens to meet its own demands of what is false, inciting, or even “demeaning.” And that includes censorship even of our leading political candidates for the presidency.

The globalist forces of tyranny will push everywhere they can, and the more they get away with elsewhere, the faster that same tyranny is coming to America.

In Brazil, one rogue Supreme Court judge unilaterally banned the social networks X (formerly Twitter) and Rumble. Both of these networks actively oppose censorship.

As an American journalist living in Brazil, Glenn Greenwald, remarked:

“You can tell yourself the extreme censorship framework in Brazil – where not only are people banned but even imprisoned with no trial – doesn’t affect you. You can say the same about the EU, UK and Canadian censorship laws. But it’s all a laboratory to see how far this can go.”
In Europe, an EU commissioner openly threatened Elon Musk, the owner of X, with “penalties and restrictions” and legal consequences simply for airing an interview with presidential candidate Donald Trump on his platform.

And the response from the Biden regime wasn’t to warn against foreign interference in American elections. It was silence – because they’re happy to see it.

Musk stood up to the threat. But this behavior shows how foreign actors are pressuring American institutions to censor.

The U.S. government has already colluded with Big Tech platforms to censor Americans’ political speech all across America.

That was the conclusion of a federal court, in Missouri v. Biden, which said the federal government pressured social media companies to censor conservative views and criticism of the Biden administration in violation of the right to freedom of expression.

The court ruled this censorship was “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.
The ruling was shamefully rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court – not on the merits – but claiming the plaintiffs, two U.S. States and five harmed individuals, didn’t have “standing” to oppose their own censorship by the government.

But now, another federal court has ruled a similar case with another plaintiff absolutely does have standing to sue and the issue has been revived.

But Frank, it’s not enough to hope for the best from our courts.

We need to actively demand Congress strengthen our speech protections and pass a Digital Freedom Act.

The proposal is simple: a federal law that would ban any federal funding of any offices or programs (government, academic, or corporate) that rate, target, censor, throttle, or seek to take adverse action against individuals or groups based on their viewpoints in public forums or social media.

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley has already floated such a proposal.

As the Missouri v. Biden case proved, social networks aren’t censoring on their own. They’re being pushed by federal agencies.

And these federal bureaucracies are thereby meddling in our political process by censoring free speech.

Tell your representative and Senators right now: Support and pass a Digital Freedom Act and protect free speech online!
Frank, if we don’t demand freedom of speech, there’s nothing they won’t censor.

Not only do they target what they label “misinformation.” They invented a word, “malinformation,” to describe true information the government deems harmful and therefore must be censored.

I think we’ve read about this before in George Orwell’s 1984 where the Ministry of Truth is responsible for the necessary falsification of historical events.

But it’s not in a fictional book now; it’s really happening.

Governments around the world are starting to tell us if your truthful speech contradicts what the government wants citizens to believe, you are guilty of “malinformation” and must be punished.

Recently EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for “pre-emptive debunking,” or as she called it “pre-bunking” – attacking what you say before you say it.

In other words: blacklisting; labeling people; attacking sources.

And now we have seen proof that European officials think nothing about attacking free speech in America.

But free speech is a human right. It’s part of our DNA as Americans. We can fight back and protect the people’s right to express their views.

Remember, what these self-appointed arbiters of truth censored in recent years that turned out to be true:

The Hunter Biden laptop . . . the risks of Covid vaccines and the worthless masking mandates . . . the origins of Covid . . . NATO having provoked war with Russia. The stories suppressed by the mass media often turn out to be the biggest stories.

And when the government tried to create a “disinformation governance board” in 2022, the person they chose to head it, Nina Jankowicz, was not just a partisan hack, but an advisor to the Ukrainian government – a foreign agent!

The government is the root cause of disinformation.

The solution to misinformation is a free marketplace of ideas. And we must fight to restore it now.

Tell your U.S. Representative and Senators right now: Support and pass a Digital Freedom Act and protect free speech online!

John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty