Guilty on all counts.
That’s the verdict the jury returned earlier this week in Paul Vaughn’s federal trial in Nashville, Tennessee—where he was charged by the Biden Department of Justice with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

I’m not going to lie. It’s sickening to see the Biden DOJ get away with trumped-up charges that could put Paul and his fellow pro-lifers in prison for up to 11 years…
Throughout the trial, the courtroom was overcapacity with large families, little kids and babies, alongside veteran pro-lifers, who watched as their friends and families were put on trial by the DOJ for protecting the most vulnerable of all—the innocent child in the womb.
You may remember that Paul is the pro-life father of 11 who was raided by the FBI and charged with violating the FACE Act—because he spoke up in defense the voiceless unborn.
On top of the FACE Act charges, the DOJ slapped him and his five co-defendants with a crushing “conspiracy against rights” charge.
These charges came down from the DOJ long after this group of pro-lifers peaceably gathered, prayed, counseled women, and sung Christian hymns at an abortion center in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.
It was over a year and a half later that the Biden DOJ decided to charge these pro-lifers.
That day at the abortion center, Paul Vaughn wasn’t arrested—he didn’t block anyone, and he wasn’t even charged with trespass.
Yet, the FBI sent heavily armed agents to Paul’s home and arrested him at gunpoint in front of his wife and young children.
And now he’s been branded a felon and a criminal for defending the unborn and preaching God’s Truth.
But this is not the end of the road…
I can’t emphasize this enough: We will continue fighting for Paul and will challenge his conviction on appeal.
Plain and simple, the FACE Act is unconstitutional. And we’re going to challenge its legal basis in federal court…
…to make sure that this law is never again used to persecute brave and peaceful pro-lifers anywhere in this country.
Immediately after the jury verdict, our pro-lifers came out of the courthouse with their families and friends.
Together they gathered on the courthouse steps to once again sing hymns, pray, and worship.
Despite the Biden DOJ getting its brutal conviction, our brave pro-lifers are filled with Christian joy and peace.
Here’s what Paul said before the verdict:
“We got people from all over the nation, and even overseas, texting and emailing saying that they’re praying for us and it’s been a phenomenal outpouring of support. It’s been really helpful to our family. And, really, it is not just helpful—it is the spiritual battle that is raging. The lives of unborn babies have always been important to our God and they’re created in His image. I think this is a seminal moment, another stage, and another large battle, in this war for the image of God.”
This battle continues onwards, until we secure justice! As Paul says, “God is in control.”
Please continue praying for Paul, his family, and all his co-defendants.
LifeNews Note: Peter Breen is the Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation for the Thomas More Society.