Juntti: Did I make a difference?

Original Post Sept. 2 2010

I heard this song by the Oak Ridge Boys recently and it just hit me – I am sure I’ve heard it many times in the past but this time the words really rang thru my head. Maybe it is my age (only being 16 ya know), maybe it is all the political things going on and the efforts so many of us have been and are making to *make a difference* – to wake folks up to what is going on and how their napping is supporting the destruction of America.

I do a lot of one on one emailing with readers all over and one of the topics most emailed about is my faith. How I seem to not be as *emotionally* stirred up as some writers on things. I tell them it is my unwavering FAITH in God to carry me thru whatever comes along. I have this small wall plaque that was my mothers that says, “The Will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God cannot keep you.”

That has been the case all my life. Even when I strayed from His Will and his Word, I know that He was there protecting me and guiding me thru to the other side of the mess I had gotten myself into. I also know that I was and still am a ‘willful’ child of God but I know He loves me and that He knows my heart and my intent.

I have also been richly blessed with having established early in my walk with God a very personal life with Him at all times. The song, “In The Garden” was one of the earliest songs I remember singing, it is still my favorite as it says how I talk with my Father all day as well as when I wake up during the night. I know He is right there, watching over me and hearing my thoughts, my prayers. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to happen to me that He hasn’t given permission to happen. I learned early in my life that this skin and bones I dwell in is a temporary vessel and that death isn’t something to fear for me. This flesh will die but my spirit will then rest until Christ returns to lift me up according to His Word.

I have tried to live my life in such a way (the mis-duly noted) that I will not have regrets. When my mothers mother dies I recall hearing the aunts and uncles and others all crying and saying, “If only I had done this or that while she was alive.” We hear those kind of things a lot at funerals. All those people wishing they had done something while the person was alive. I was only 6 when gramma died but that has stuck with me all these years and I determined to do what I could and say what I could to and for others while they could appreciate it – not plop some flowers on a bunch of dead skin afterwards as a way of showing I cared. This quote says it pretty well too: “As you grow older, you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.” ~Zachary Scott

I realize this is a bit off of my usual commentaries, but I believe there is a reason, one I am not aware of, that I am writing this today. I am sure it is intended for a few folks to read and that it may make a big difference in their lives.

WE hear often that it only takes ONE PERSON to get something started – well, maybe this will start something among readers. Imagine if each person who reads this and the words to the song, “Did I Make A Difference” does one thing – just ONE thing to make a DIFFERENCE in the life of another person.

Words are the result of what is in our hearts I am told…. this is what is in my heart this morning – I hope it lifts up those who read it….. I hope that I am making a Difference.