Middle East powder kegs

ARCHIVE CARTOON: My 2013 cartoon depicted the Middle East as powder kegs. Ten years later, nothing has changed except that Iran is closer to a nuclear bomb. 

We are living in a time period that the Bible talks a lot about.

In Joel 3:1-2 it says, “In those days and at that time,
    when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather all nations
    and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will put them on trial
    for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations
    and divided up my land.”

Verse 1 — God has restored the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. From the time Israel became a nation once again in 1948 until now, Israel has grown in numbers and wealth.

Verse 2 — God’s plan is to gather all nations and bring them down to Jerusalem and put them on trial for scattering the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. And for “dividing up my land.” Even today, diplomats talk of dividing the land of Israel to form a 2-state solution, meaning Israel would give land to the Palestinians for peace. The Bible says that God owns the land and He has given it to the Jews. That settles it.

It seems that every business is asking their customers to fill out a survey these days. I may ask you to the “Like” and “Share” this newsletter but I won’t ask you to fill out a survey. Ok, I might ask you to leave a comment. But no surveys. Of course, it would be really great if you’d ask your friends to subscribe, but I’m not going to ask you to spend a bunch of your time to write an essay about what you like about my newsletter. You can do it if you want to but I’m not going to ask. 


What are the first questions after every major crime? What caused him to do it. What websites did he frequent? 

In the future they will ask; what sermons did he listen to? It’s a short step from condemning speech that influences some crazy person who commits a crime to calling it a hate crime. 

This is a slippery slope that will make criminals of us all. Last month, the Michigan House passed a bill that would make it “a felony to intimidate someone by intentionally using the wrong gender pronouns, according to some legal experts.”That’s right, it’s hate speech, if you use the wrong pronoun and you could be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $10,000.

You don’t have to be a prophet to know that Christians will be targeted for not playing along in this fantasy. Christians will be guilty of a hate crime for simply believing in the Bible’s immutable fact that God created only two genders. And no matter how many hormones you take or body parts you mutilate, you can never change your chromosomes. 

Next the churches will be targeted. Despite the supposed protections for churches and religious institutions in the Respect for (same-sex) Marriage Act, someone in the LGBTQIA+ community will sue some church that refuses to obey them. Mark my words.