As more Muslims join the fight in the Israel-Hamas War, it appears we are witnessing the lead-up to the fulfillment of Bible prophesies in Psalms 83, Isaiah 17 and probably Zechariah.  We know from Isaiah 17 that the city of Damascus will be utterly destroyed along with Ammon, Jordan, probably with nukes.

Some folks think this is the lead-up to the Battle of Armageddon, but the times do not yet support that notion.  In that battle, the enemies of Israel attack from all sides and nearly capture Jerusalem before they are thwarted by the return of Jesus.  Before Armageddon can take place, however, the third temple must be built and the seven years of tribulation under the Antichrist must occur.  No, this is not the prelude to Armageddon, but it definitely does fit the Haman-Gog War that will be called WWIII.

While I cannot specify when certain events will happen, let’s look at the current circumstances.  The USA has jumped into the fray allegedly to protect and defend Israel, but the current leaders of the USA are sons of Satan himself and mentally unstable.  I’m referring to Barack Obama and his strawman, Joe Biden, who I fully expect will pull out their protection of Israel at the worst possible time.  I write that, because Bible prophesy indicates the use of nuclear weapons by Israel and possibly at least one hitting Israel.  Israel will not use those weapons unless facing imminent annihilation.  I cannot see that happening unless the military power of the USA is somehow compromised or withdrawn, leaving Israel vulnerable.  This war will probably be the way Antichrist comes to power.

Look for more Muslim nations to begin actively opposing Israel, and when you see that, it means this Israel-Hamas War will expand to the point it gets completely out of control.

Domestically, you need to prepare for food and energy shortages, as well as the prospect that this war will compromise the United States from continuing as a world super-power.  If you take vital prescription medicines, you need to stock up now.  If you need dental work, get it taken care of.  One way or another, we are going to witness the end of the United States as we’ve known it, and our economy will be left in tatters.

Carl F. Worden