Take Action! Prepare for 2025.

At the end of 2022, as we approached the 113th General Assembly, Tennessee Stands sent out our first Legislative Survey. We received responses from more than 3,000 Tennesseans. The success of that survey helped us focus on essential issues for conservative Tennessee voters. After the study, we published the results in a visually appealing 14-page document, printed them off, and hand-delivered them to legislators in January at the start of the legislative session. Check out the final product of the 2023 Survey HERE.

Building on the success of our last survey, which was made possible by the valuable feedback from legislators, group leaders, advocates, and you, we are once again reaching out for your input. Your feedback will play a pivotal role in shaping the next legislative session, the 114th General Assembly, which is set to commence in January 2025. This survey is of utmost importance and we are counting on your full participation. Your responses will be significant in informing legislators about the sentiments of Tennesseans on the most critical issues they will address.

As you fill out this survey, remember that these questions pertain to the state of Tennessee and legislation in the Tennessee General Assembly. As a result, this survey is less concerned with national (federal) issues. Tennessee Stands works to ensure that our liberties are upheld at the state level.

Be assured, this survey is designed with your privacy in mind. We do not collect any personally identifiable information or contact details, ensuring your responses remain completely anonymous and confidential. 

We understand that your time is valuable and we deeply appreciate your thoughtful responses to these questions. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of Tennessee. Thank you for your participation in this important survey.

Take the Survey

To preserve our sovereignty, we must reject federal overreach, pass nullification, and return to the principles of faith and morality that underpin our Constitution.

by Danielle Goodrich, [ East TN Freedom ]

On September 17th, we celebrated Constitution Day, a reminder of the importance of understanding the principles of liberty our founding fathers sought to protect. In a time where globalism and communism threaten national, state, and individual sovereignty, it’s crucial to revisit the Constitution’s role in limiting federal power.

Article 1, Section 8 outlines the federal government’s 18 enumerated powers, with the 9th and 10th Amendments preserving all other rights for states and the people. The founding fathers decentralized authority, knowing that centralized power leads to corruption, as they had witnessed under the rule of a king.

The federal government’s overreach is evident today. Representative Bud Hulsey and Senator Janice Bowling introduced the “Restoring State Sovereignty through Nullification Act” in Tennessee, aiming to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. Despite being submitted twice, the legislature has delayed action. Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrimetti issued an opinion against nullification, stating it is “constitutionally infirm”, though many argue otherwise. The Supremacy Clause only applies to constitutional federal laws, not all federal actions. Judicial supremacy, which places courts above the Constitution, contradicts the Constitution’s intent.

There is growing concern over the influence of global entities like the UN and WHO, which aim to erode national sovereignty through international agreements. The federal government, with state and local support, is using grants and funding tied to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to further this agenda, affecting areas like land ownership, education, and healthcare.

To preserve our sovereignty, we must reject federal overreach, pass nullification, and return to the principles of faith and morality that underpin our Constitution. We need to take back control over education, healthcare, and agriculture, and embrace the 10th Amendment to limit federal power. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

TAKE ACTION To Restore State Sovereignty!

“RESTORING STATE SOVEREIGNTY THROUGH NULLIFICATION ACT” (HB 2795/SB 2775)has been placed on the agenda for Summer Study. Please support this critically important session with your attendance. If there is a time to pack the room, it is now. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

12:30 PM-3:30 PM

State Capitol in Nashville