The LGBTQ+ Gender Confusion Celebration Calendar

Because I know you want to get these dates on your calendar next year.

It is always amusing to check my opposition research inbox and see what the hate-hustlers at the so-called “Southern Poverty Law Center” are stirring up to raise money.

Over the weekend, the SPLC, a hypocritical facade pretending to have some connection to the South, poverty, and rule of law, was churning out fundraising appeals for national “Hate Crimes Awareness Month.” I did not hear a word about that in my daily Demo email from Joe Biden and his socialists cadres.

Turns out, of course, that “Hate Crimes Awareness Month” was actually an SPLC fundraising fabrication, and it was last month, not November. However, this morning, their latest fundraising charade is promoting “Transgender Day of Remembrance.”

I had never heard of that one, but apparently that is today.

SPLC, in conjunction with fellow hate-hustlers at the so-called “Human Rights Campaign” (a.k.a. “homosexual rhetoric campaign”), are riding the mini-wave from Biden’s latest hate crime report last month, and joining his collective distraction from the inconvenient truth that the real epidemic of violence in America is black-on-black.

Despite the surge in attacks against American Jews and the growing anti-Semitic sentiments on university campuses, fueled by Democrats like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, Biden is promoting a fake “Islamicphobia” narrative.

But apparently the SPLC, which was founded on exploiting racist and anti-Semitic hate crimes, decided that fundraising on the fallacious Islamophobia narrative would not work. Notably, in recent years, SPLC appeals based on white supremacy bogeymen have also lost their luster because, well, attacks linked to white supremacy are very rare.

Thus, SPLC is attaching its fundraising wagon to the LGBTQ+ (ad nauseam) “hate” claims train, considering the lineup of dates it can now use as fundraising fodder.

There was a time when the LGBTQ+ agenda was only promoted in June as “pride month” — and that was 30 days too many. But in recent years, national gender confusion dates have flooded calendars.

For your review, after a quick assessment of the current LGBTQ+ celebration dates now being promoted, I have compiled the partial list below.

  • January Third Friday: International Fetish Day
  • February 12: National Freedom to Marry Day
  • February 25-29: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
  • March: Bisexual Health Awareness Month
  • March 1: Zero Discrimination Day
  • March 20-24: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
  • March 31: International Transgender Day Of Visibility
  • April 6: Asexuality Day
  • April 22: Day of Silence
  • April 24-30: International Lesbian Visibility Week
  • April 26 International Lesbian Visibility Day
  • May 7: International Family Equality Day
  • May 16: National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
  • May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
  • May 19: Agender Pride Day
  • May 24: Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day
  • June: Pride Month
  • June 26: Anniversary of Sam-Sex Marriage Legalization
  • July 6: Omnisexual Visibility Day
  • July 10-16: Non-Binary Awareness Week
  • July 14: International Non-Binary Day
  • July 16: International Drag Day
  • September 17-23: Bisexual Awareness Week
  • September 23: Bisexual Visibility Day
  • October: LGBTQ History Month
  • October 8: International Lesbian Day
  • October 11: National Coming Out Day
  • October 18: International Pronoun Day
  • October 19: Spirit Day
  • October 22-28: Asexual Awareness Week
  • October 26: Intersex Awareness Day
  • November: Trans Awareness Month
  • November 5: Trans Parent Day or Transgender Parent Day
  • November 8: Intersex Day of Remembrance or Intersex Solidarity Day
  • November 12-18: Trans Awareness Week or Transgender Awareness Week
  • November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance
  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 8: Pansexual Pride Day
  • December 10: Human (Homosexual) Rights Day

I know — you are wondering what happened to August, devoid of a single LGBTQ+ celebration date.

I predict that SPLC and HRC will find one for 2024!