Three Simple Questions

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023

The Post & Email

(Jul. 9, 2023) — The United States Secret Service (“USSS”) operates under the Department of Homeland Security…, now headed up by one Alejandro Mayorkas.  Mayorkas, of course, is the Brandon apparatchik who presides over the calculated eradication of the nation’s southern border.  This, of course, facilitates the flooding into the nation of millions of illegal aliens, preferred by the mainstream media to be labeled “undocumented Democrats.” Do you feel better now?

Back to text.  The USSS has a long history of service to the Republic.  According to its website, it was first created in response to rampant counterfeiting of money after the Civil War, which activity posed a grave threat to the economic survival of the republic. The website also advertises that it is “Worthy of Trust and Confidence” and includes within its “values” the elements of “Justice, Duty, Courage, Honesty and Loyalty.”

Moreover, on the “Wall of Honor” at the USSS headquarters in D.C. memorializing fallen agents are found the words of former Assistant Director Jerry Parr: “The Secret Service has a long tradition of excellence, and we are an organizational culture held together by an invisible web of obligations: duty, honor and country.” (Emphasis added)  Against the backdrop of these principles, the USSS – now investigating the discovery of cocaine in the White House – must “come clean” on three simple questions.

Those questions are: (1) where, exactly, was the cocaine first discovered, as opposed to where the “oddly evasive” White House Press Secretary Karine (“Voodoo Doll”) Jean-Pierre and the mainstream media have migrated the “common narrative” point of origin; (2) was the “baggie” of the substance fingerprinted when first discovered; and (3) if it was not fingerprinted, why was that not done?

If the USSS is to retain – some might argue “recover” – the “trust and confidence” its website assures the people still exists within its DNA, it must answer these questions.  While the survival of the Republic may not be directly at stake, neither is it irrelevant that the house where Brandon – and some of his relatives – live and frequent is now the site where a highly addictive controlled substance has been found.  The “Voodoo Doll” can evade and dissemble all she wants: that is her job as Brandon’s flack.  But on the other hand, the USSS claims that it has the obligations of “duty, honor… and country” (emphasis added) governing its actions.  It is not the “Praetorian Guard” for Brandon or his ne’er-do-well son but instead, its obligations are to the constitutional Republic that Brandon seeks to dismantle.

Let us see what comes of the USSS “investigation” over the next few weeks…, and do not be surprised if the cocaine at issue disappears – accidentally, of course – and the security videos reveal nothing “conclusive.”  Still, the electorate is entitled to answers to the three questions posed, the Voodoo Doll’s faux indignation aside.  And if the answers happen to accidentally “leak” out…, well, such is life in the District of Columbia.