Demos are, collectively, somewhere between acutely apoplectic and clinically depressed — It’s Trump Derangement Syndrome 2.0.
“Energy in the Executive is a leading character in the definition of good government.”
Alexander Hamilton (1788)
OK, for most of us, watching Donald Trump 2.0 in action is amazing. Clearly, by his own account, he has learned much since his first term, and it shines — so much so that this might more aptly be called “Trump 5.0!”
The contrast between President Trump and his dullard, non compos mentis predecessor, Joe Biden, is starker than that between any two presidents in modern American history. It is even starker than the contrast between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, the second-worst president in modern history.
Of course, Biden barely had a pulse, and an MRI would have come back negative for brain activity. And the Kamala Harris/Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz tag team was no improvement.
However, the contrast between Trump and Biden is much more than just the low bar Biden set.
Though Trump entered office older than Reagan was when he left office, Trump is more energetic and responsive than any of the younger presidents in either party since Reagan. Frankly, watching him operate and multitask is not only astounding but also downright amusing.
To that end, I consider Brit Hume to be one of the steadiest and most seasoned conservative MSM analysts today, and if you have caught any of his nightly analysis with Bret Baier’s panel, he can hardly contain his amusement — he is clearly as surprisingly impressed with Trump as the rest of us.
Conventional wisdom dictates that a sitting president’s party loses House and Senate seats in the midterms, but if Trump keeps up even a modicum of his upward public approval trend, the midterm rule may not apply.
Not only did the leftist Demo Party socialists get broadsided with Trump’s comeback election, but as a result, they are now, collectively, somewhere between acutely apoplectic and clinically depressed. It’s Trump Derangement Syndrome 2.0!
Clearly, his blizzard of executive orders since 20 January also caught Demos flat-footed — a brilliant strategic fusillade of change orders they never saw coming.
As their ideological flagship, The New York Times, headlined it, “Trump’s ‘Flood the Zone’ Strategy Leaves Opponents Gasping in Outrage.”
It’s working, and the flood of Demo lawfare challenges to block Trump’s agenda is full testament! Beyond flailing of arms and cussing the wind, the Demos have resorted to a blitzkrieg of lawsuits through Leftist judges, as anticipated by Team Trump.
A recent analysis in The Washington Post provided a similar snapshot of what the Demos don’t get about what could aptly be called “The Trump Revolution” — much as I understood “The Reagan Revolution.” No Republican president since Reagan has been as forthright in pursuit of restoring American Liberty.
WaPo columnist Ruth Marcus angrily asserts that “Trump 2.0” is the “most damaging first two weeks in presidential history.” Oh, I hope so!
In her subtitle, she protests, “Trump’s second term is all about curtailing government’s power and reach.”
In summary, Marcus declares: “No president in history has caused more damage to the nation more quickly. As we enter Week 3 of President Donald Trump’s second term, the chaos and disruption of his first look quaint by comparison. The country survived Trump 1.0. Now, it faces a real threat that the harm he inflicts during his second term will be irreparable. The United States’ standing in the world, its ability to keep the country safe, the federal government’s fundamental capacity to operate effectively — all of these will take years to repair, if that can be achieved at all.”
She then focuses on “the third piece of that trifecta,” the Trump administration’s “efforts to undermine the basic functioning of government.” She then outlines some of Trump’s major executive order and executive branch accomplishments, like going after corruption in the Department of Justice, ineffectiveness in the Department of Education, and a plethora of other great things Trump has done.
She concludes, “The damage has already begun, and it will be difficult to reverse.”
Oh, I hope so. As we conclude week three of Trump’s second term, he shows no sign of letting up.
Marcus issued her manifesto before Trump and Elon Musk unleashed their DOGE dogs on the larded USAID hog. Nor had Trump yet unveiled his “art of the deal” proposal for Gaza and peace in the Middle East.
Republicans have promised in every recent election cycle to be change agents, cut government fraud and waste, restore constitutional limits on government, ad nauseam.
Trump is actually delivering on that promise and decades of unfulfilled promises by previous Republicans.
Both Trump’s executive order strategy and his cabinet and executive-level appointees have already started doing what Beltway Democrats and their sheepish constituents across the nation fear most — implementing change. Or, as they perceive his “shock and awe” strategy, creating chaos.

But it’s actually well-organized chaos. While it appears anarchic, it is highly structured and orderly in its execution and intended outcome.
In addition to executive actions, Trump has configured his cabinet-level nominees to be disruptors. Like Trump, they thrive on organized chaos.
As context for Trump’s cabinet and administrative goals, let me repeat my assessment of what he did so well in 2016 because while his strategy is the same, his execution is infinitely more refined.
As I noted then: “The day Trump arrived in DC, he dropped a bomb on the Beltway status quo in Congress and its special interests. He dropped a bomb on the regulatory behemoths and their bureaucratic bottlenecks. He dropped a bomb on the trade and national security institutions and alliances that had failed miserably over the previous eight years. And he dropped a bomb on all the pundits and mainstream media outlets.”
Those bombs created a level of chaos in their target zones like never seen before — and now have done so by a magnitude of 10.
Another significant change: During his first term, Trump’s communications too often undermined his success, but notably, since the first assassination attempt on his life in July, the tenor and tempo of his communications have moderated, which in part accounts for his election.
Clearly, Trump is a far better communicator now than he was then.
Not only did Trump enter office ready to carpet-bomb every sector of the Beltway status quo, but he arrived with thousands of the nominees ready to fill his deputy- and lower-level administrative positions to affirm his agenda — thank you, Project 2025.
The success of Trump’s second-term agenda will ultimately be measured by his ability to dismantle the administrative state. To accomplish that, he must first expose and dismantle the biggest obstacles to his administration’s agenda — all the pockets of deep state activists who are the most strident advocates for statist power.
But his historic countermeasures to demolish those deep state opponents are well underway.
Trump’s task is not just cleaning up the mess that Biden and Harris made. The far more formidable task is cleaning up the mess that made Biden and Harris.
As the Trump administration endeavors to restore the well-documented success of his first-term domestic and foreign policy strategies, the Demos will redouble their efforts to thwart his administrative directives. So far, they are missing with every swing, despite all the favorable advocacy they are getting from their Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes.
Trump is off to a historic start! Buckle up, kids!
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776